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Re- Zanna?!

Writer: Gold HeartGold Heart

With Re-mix, Re-new, Re-imaging on the brain we wanted to do something with the magazine that felt true to the brief. This sparked the beginning of a very long conversation about shaking things up and breathing some new life into what we do. Don't get it twisted, we have loved every issue of Zanna Magazine that we have made, but we haven't been feeling that creative spark in the same way.

With this in mind we wanted to return to our original plan for Zanna all those years ago - Zine making. From the off we were utterly overwhelmed with the response from creative's wanting to be part of our journey and somehow we morphed into this clean, professional(ish) magazine in no time. When we began we wanted every issue to look and feel different but we fell into a rhythm with the magazine making and while each issue still has it's own personality they are still clearly made using the same starting formula. So we've decided to throw out our own rule book and refocus on the creativity that started this whole venture. We want to refresh the feel of Zanna and reignite our passion for creating!

There will not be an Issue Fourteen of Zanna Magazine. Instead we will be releasing the first issue of Zanna Zine - which will in fact be TWO zines. We are each taking creative control to produce separately curated zines from the same shortlist of submissions. We wanted to see, given the same/similar starting parameters, how different we would each make this issue; thus creating a remix of our own zine. What could be more on brief!

We are super excited for you all to join us on this journey and hope you will enjoy the new direction we are heading in. We aren't saying there will never be more Zanna Magazines (although thirteen is very us), rather we are just giving ourselves the space to create without expectation (real or perceived). We think the creativite community as a whole has been suffering with burnout in recent years, so much has changed and keeping your footing or trying to find it again has been really hard. We are no exception. No more pressure to be pretty or perfect, we are just going to be real!



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