Sometimes also referred to as cosmic horror or simply Sci-Fi horror, it doesn't really matter what you call it, we want the weirdest scry stuff you got! Eldritch horrors are often talked about in conjunction with magic, religious deities or extra-terrestrial forces such as the vast nothingness, but eldritch really just means strange: something not of this world or so bizarre it's beyond comprehention. Perhaps the most famous examples of eldritch horrors lie with Lovecraftian stories, cited as having a "preoccupation with visceral textures, protean semi-gelatinous substances and slime." If you aren't familiar with the term, this is a great place to start.
We aren't being too strict with this one so anything that is weird, scary or both is what we are after! Whether your monsters are all tentacles or teeth, we want to see what creepy creatures you can cook up. In the world of cosmic horror the unknown is so much more frightening than blood and gore. It needn't even be scary, why not a cubby Cthulhu or fluffy fiend? We'd love to see plenty of short stories, comics or your own lore about these unknowable beings. So share your spooky scenes and twisted dreams and help us build our delicious Halloween theme.
Head over to the submissions page now and show us what you got.