- seeing beyond sight -
"We are born to be creative. Being creative fulfils the individual and fosters community by reaching outside of itself…it brings people together. I make because I am."

Artspace comprises a group of people who have a common interest in the creative arts. Some draw and paint whilst others write poems, sew, take photographs, work in mixed media etc. Overall whilst the aim is to become more proficient in any given form of self expression, there is an underlying objective to develop self esteem as an integral element of building an empathetic community.
Artspace is a safe place where people can be themselves. It is an open and inclusive community which anyone can join and contribute to and share in the life of the group. Artspace is all about looking and seeing… the more you look, the more you see. We meet on a weekly basis each Friday during term time, between 10.00am and 2.00pm at All Saints Church on Deansway in Worcester. Meeting weekly on a Friday as we do means that at this point in time the demographic is skewed towards people who are in the main (but not totally) retired from paid employment.
"Four hours just isn’t enough!" - Artspace Member
Throughout lockdown this small community became self sustaining - despite the lack of in person contact. Members of the group showed an active concern for one another. As a result of this experience, some members of the group living a distance away can easily join in online.
There are no costs involved in being part of the collective, members bring their own materials and equipment.
Whilst there is no formal teaching, members of the group engage in a form of creative mentoring and actively support one another when faced with practical and technical challenges of one kind or another.
"I have found a new level of freedom in my painting through Artspace" - Artspace Member

Over the last four years the group has developed a growing presence in terms of the part it plays in the arts locally with individuals taking part in key events e.g. the University of Worcester School of Art annual ‘Open’ Exhibition, the Worcester Society of Artists etc.
Over the summer we hold an outdoor workshop at a local gallery which has been well attended and generated a lot of public interest. Four professional artists have their own studios on site and this adds to the success of the day.
We had our first exhibition earlier this year at a Community Arts Centre in Pershore and are about to have a major exhibition for a month at the Hive in Worcester (http://www.thehiveworcester.org/).
"Art is the food of the human spirit" - Maggie Hamblin
"For me Artspace is Heartspace… I can really be myself and know that I am truly accepted for who I am"
- Artspace Member